A strange paradox involvement in sports often leads to higher self-esteem, but - at least in certain sports - which may also lead to increased risk of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia, the two are usually associated with low self-esteem. Certain sports seem to carry an increased risk of eating problems. For example, in the U.S., about women who develop eating disorders and these players are usually very small movements, including gymnastics, cross country, swimming and track and field athletes found that 93 percent timberland shoes. Reports of the few examples of men are concentrated in the cross-country, track and field, gymnastics and wrestling. What causes eating disorders? The combination of individual and family factors are often involved in the production of a food problem, and cultural factors clearly placed especially high-risk women: in the past three decades, women in Western society socially acceptable body weight also decreased, while the incidence Steady increase in rate of eating disorders.